United States Top IVF Hospital


Rancho Cucamonga 医院

Rancho Cucamonga 医院

Encino Hospital Medical Center

美国梦美HRC生殖医疗集团在Rancho Cucamonga市开设了最新的医院,为不孕不育患者提供一个方便的位置来进行不孕不育检查,生育治疗和监测。


     HRC帕萨迪纳医院由两位医生组成。 约翰.威尔考克斯,医学博士; 杰夫·尼尔森 具备着高度熟练的技术和完善的护理团队。竭力建设一个充满爱心和同情心的环境,以帮助患者实现成功怀孕为目的,为迎接每个健康的宝宝的诞生做贡献。

 HRC一直在先进的生殖技术的领先,完成了第一个试管婴儿ICSI (卵胞浆内单精子注射)的怀孕并运用胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)做到了筛选遗传疾病的第一个案例。随着生殖医学的进步,在西湖村生育医院提供范围广泛的服务,不孕不育咨询,诊断和测试,如宫腔镜及子宫内膜活检; 基本的生育治疗,如促排卵,体外受精(IVF)与胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)的遗传性疾病筛选或性别选择。在西湖村的生育医院还提供了选择第三方复制,如胚胎收养和代孕。


If you are looking for a fertility clinic in Encino, California, HRC Fertility has an office in this Southern California location to make fertility treatment as convenient as possible for you. 

Four fertility doctors see patients at the Encino fertility clinic location. Robert Boostanfar, MD, FACOG; Michael Feinman, MD, FACOG, Alison Peck, MD, FACOG and David Tourgeman, MD, FACOG, diagnose and treat patients for a wide range of infertility problems with the most advanced reproductive technology.

HRC Fertility has always been on the cutting edge of fertility treatments. The California fertility clinic established the first IVF ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) pregnancy on the West coast. In 1989, HRC Fertility performed one of the first cases of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for a sex-linked genetic disorder.

Known for being a pioneer in infertility research, HRC Fertility offers many services at the Encino fertility clinic, including fertility tests such as the Clomid Challenge Test to measure ovarian reserve, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Fertility treatments include the most advanced techniques in intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the ability to have preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for genetic disease screening or gender selection. In addition, the fertility clinic in Encino offers options for third party reproduction, including egg donation, sperm donation, embryo donation and surrogacy.

The Encino fertility clinic also has on-site acupuncture services as a complementary therapy to traditional fertility treatments. 

HRC Fertility Encino also makes it as easy as possible for international patients to travel to California for fertility treatments. More information can be found on our international website www.losangeles-fertility.com.


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